Half Damage Episode 13 - Three Short Stories
In this episode one of our Heroes receives a gift, one gets the answers they're looking for, and two are left to pick up the pieces.
Half Damage is a Real-Play Dungeons and Dragons podcast of Curse of Strahd presented by Crit Chat.
MUSIC&SOUND: Music by darrencurtismusic.com and Pilots Of Stone by Audionautix at http://audionautix.com/ Sounds found in freesound.org All music & sounds used under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
LINKS: Crit Chat: pinecast.com/feed/crit-chat Patreon: patreon.com/CritChat Twitter: twitter.com/Crit_Chat Facebook: facebook.com/CritChat Discord: discord.gg/RXU4eMp